
For Advisors Only was created to offer an online forum for professional insurance agents, financial advisors, mutual fund representatives and securities brokers from across Canada, to carry on non-partisan discussions -- amongst themselves -- of issues relating to the regulation of their professional activities, compliance and governance issues, as well as other topics of interest.

For Advisors Only is a semi-private, professional information exchange. It is hosted by Lawrence Ian Geller of Campbellville, Ontario.

You can use this site to sign-up for For Advisors Only, to learn more about it or to modify your current subscription.

If you are not a professional insurance agent, financial advisor, mutual fund representative or securities broker, or a member of the related community, this site and this E-mail discussion list will be of very little interest to you.

Please review the rules for For Advisors Only.


This list serve and its contents are provided as an information service and may include items written by, posted by, or reported from other sources. We do not warrant its accuracy.



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